As part of the Aur@sia event 2017 a delegation of CNRS and the Chinese Academy of
Science visited E2P2L on November 29 and 30. Among the visitors were J. Maddaluno, G. Chen, S. Fdida, J. Y. Marzin, L. Dumasy, A. Legris, P. Nedellec, R. Pain, P. Levy and A. Mynard.
The AUR@SIA Symposium is intended to gather both CNRS’ international joint research units in Asia and its academic and industrial partners. In the Aur@sia symposium 2017 the 15 asian joint labs of CNRS met in Shanghai. During this event the different actors shared their research work. This recurring event is an ideal opportunity for the CNRS partners in Asia, such as academic and research institutions, as well as industrial partners and private foundations, to participate and discuss the challenges in research, society and industry.