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Visit of Prof. André-Jean Attias (UPMC)

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Prof. André-Jean Attias (UPMC)

Prof. André-Jean Attias who is director of the France-Korea International Research Network on ‘Functional Materials for Organic Optics, Electronics, and Devices’ (Groupement de Recherche International, CNRS) and Professor at Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6 visited our laboratory and gave a presentation about his work.

The presentation was entitled:

Janus Tecton: A Versatile Platform for Non-Covalent Functionalization of sp2 Carbon Interfaces by Surface Confined Supramolecular Chemistry



André-Jean Attias received his Ph. D degree in Macromolecular Science from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) in 1988. He joined the French Space Research Agency (ONERA) as an engineer. He became head of the polymer chemistry laboratory.
In 2002 he moved to Université Pierre et Marie Curie to join the Chemistry Department as full professor.

His current main research interests include:

  • supramolecular self-assemblies at surfaces: engineering and functionality for nanotechnologies (nanophotonics, nanooptoelectronics).
  • design and synthesis of organic nanostructured materials for optoelectronics

His work has led to patents, numerous publications in international peer reviewed journals, and more than 30 invited, keynote, and plenary talks at international conferences. He is international scientific committee member of international conferences.