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Team Building Event in January 2015

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First Part: Lets do Some Sports!

Team Building Event in January 2015

Our Team building event this year was again divided into two parts. First we enjoyed bowling in Pine City close to Xue Jia Hui (Qing Song Cheng 青松城保龄球馆) from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Our shuttle bus departed at 12:30. 


Address: 徐汇区 东安路8号青松城大酒店2楼(东安路肇嘉浜路)  
Phone: 021-64433888


Cooking and Dinner at "The Kitchen at" in Shanghai

Cooking and Dinner

We became really hungry lifting and rolling the colorful bowling balls. So we went to in the "Kitchen at the cooking School" located at Xujiahui (4:30 pm to 7:30 pm).

All together in joint forces we were preparing our dinner. Professional cooks showed us how to do. We had lot of fun and our wonderful dinner had following dishes on its Italian style menu:

  • Chilled Flat Fish with tomato, Black olive, capes, fennel and Lemon dressing (意式冷切龙俐鱼 配番茄,橄榄,水瓜榴,茴根及柠檬醋汁)
  • Antipasti Platter: sautéed clams, sliced salami, tomato cheese with basil pesto, garlic bread (意大利传统开胃小吃拼盘:炒蛤蜊,意式肉肠片,番茄奶酪配罗勒酱,蒜香面包)
  • Seared Salmon Fillet with Lentil Stew (地中海小扁豆炖三文鱼柳)
  • Roasted Lamb Rack with caponata and garlic purée (香料烤羊排 配西西里酸甜炖蔬菜,蒜香酱)
  • Tiramisu with handmade ladyfinger biscuits (提拉米苏 自制手指饼干)


Location of the Kitchen: 

3rd Floor, Bldg 20, Lane 383 Xiang Yang Nan Lu, Shanghai
(徐汇区 襄阳南路383弄20号3楼(近永嘉路)) 
Phone: 021-64332700